The truth speaks for itself

16 april 2018

The truth shall set you free
From every bondage that you are not always aware of
From every cycle, that keeps you spinning
Back and forth
From every mistake, that hinders you from moving forward
From every guilt, that keeps your heart hostage
From every pain, that turmoils your soul
From every failure, because God turns everything for good
Let the truth take over
Let it rule over your mind and spirit
Let it gives you a clear vision about who you truly are
Genuine freedom
Where healing penetrates into the darkest places in your soul
And enlightens the darkest thoughts, convictions
Allow her to renew your spirit, your mind
To a brighter future
One that is free from fear and all the lies that have dripped into your life
Let her lead you to understanding & humbleness
A place where miracles happens
A place where no mountain is high enough
No valley is too dark
Every low point can be turned into high examples
The truth bears unconditional love
Which cannot be tamed
Nor compromises
Because she walks with truth
Which can be only found in the spirit
Stop running from her, instead, embrace her
Let her lead you to your Maker Yehova, the sovereign God
The Ultimate sacrifice of Yeshua, the forever faithful one
That sacrifice gave life, a sacred love in abundance
For you
Receive your salvation
With your name on it
And allow faith to transform you